Consolidate UTXO's

UTXO (Unspent Transaction Outputs) consolidation is the process of combining several small transaction outputs into one large one.

Error example

Why it's necessaryCopied!

  • Reduced fees: Each transaction with a large number of UTXOs increases the transaction size in bytes, which results in higher fees. By combining many small UTXOs into one, you significantly reduce the cost of future transactions.

  • Simplify fund management: The more small UTXOs you have in your wallet, the more difficult it is to manage your balance. Consolidation makes your bitcoin handling more convenient and structured.

  • Preparing for future transactions: If you plan to make a large payment or many small transactions, consolidation allows you to optimize your balance in advance. This is especially useful during periods of low network fees.

  • Reducing the risk of older: UTXOs Smaller and older UTXOs may be less usable due to changes in network rules or increased scrutiny from analysts. Consolidation helps avoid these issues by combining funds into one up-to-date transaction.

How to use itCopied!

Step 1: Go to the:

Step 2: Connect your wallet with blocked funds.

Step 3: Click menu button.

Step 4: Click "Consolidate UTXO's".

Step 5: Sign transaction in a new window.

Step 6: Wait for transaction confirmation in your wallet.

Consolidate process